The idea

around the middle of 2023 i decided i wanted a way to look back on an acurate representation of the music ive been listening to,
I never really liked how spotify wrapped would just throw in songs i had listened to once or twice. with the only acurate result being top artist.
and even then the top artist doesent really reflect what i vibed with at the time. so i decided to make my own
each summer and each winter i will put a collection of 90 minuets of songs on a cassette to come back to every now and then and look back on where i was at
Why summer and winter? well the seasons affect mood so it would only make sense that would translate to music taste aswell.
in adition to the tapes i want to document why each song means something to me, and if it doesent mean something to me then i want to document that too.
so lets get started

Mix One cassette


Here's how to make a list:

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